Emmanuel ROUX
Chargé de recherche Sciences de la donnée – Implantation de MontpellierGroupe de recherche 1 : ESOR – Groupe de recherche 2 : PICBiographical Info
Emmanuel Roux is researcher at the IRD, in the ESPACE-DEV Unit since 2007 (MICADO team). He received his Ph.D. degree in industrial and human automation and computer science in 2002, from the University of Valenciennes, France. His skills concern the data science.
More specifically, his research interests are:
Spatial modelling of entomological and/or epidemiological data;
Objective characterization of the environment and of the landscape from satellite data;
Data- or knowledge-driven modelling of the environment and health relationships;
image processing and health.
He contributes to animate collaborations with French and Brazilian partners, concerning the relationships between environmental parameters and health issues, especially those related to tropical vector-borne diseases.
He participates to, or co-supervises, several partnership and research projects that contribute to the construction of cross-border malaria observatories, between French Guiana and Brazil and within other cross-border contexts.