Directrice de recherche Informatique – Implantation de MontpellierGroupe de recherche 1 : PIC – Groupe de recherche 2 : STRONG
CV: En savoir plus
Photo of Laure BERTI-EQUILLE

Biographical Info

Laure Berti-Equille is a Research Director in Computer Science at IRD, the French Institute of Research for Development since 2011. From 2014-2018, she was a a full Professor at Aix-Marseille University (AMU) and a Senior Scientist at Qatar Computing Research Institute (Hamad Bin Khalifa University). From 2000-2010, she was a tenured Associate Professor at University of Rennes 1 in France, and a 2-years visiting researcher at AT&T Labs Research in New Jersey, USA, as a recipient of the prestigious European Marie Curie Outgoing Fellowship (2007-2009). Her interests are at the intersection of large-scale data science, data analytics, and machine learning with a focus on data quality and truth discovery research with more than 70 publications and three monographs. She initiated the very first workshop editions on information and data quality in information systems (IQIS 2005) and in databases (QDB 2009 and 2016) in conjunction with SIGMOD and VLDB respectively, and co-organized the first French workshops on Data and Knowledge Quality in conjunction with EGC (Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances) in 2005, 2006, 2010, and 2011.  She has received various grants from the French Agency for National Research (ANR), the French National Research Council (CNRS), and the European Union.


Categories: Directeur de recherche
Updated 3 days ago.