Ingénieur de recherche Télédétection et Infrastructures de Données Spatiales – Implantation de MontpellierGroupe de recherche 1 : STRONG – Groupe de recherche 2 : PIC
Maison de la Télédétection 500 rue Jean-François Breton Montpellier cedex 5 34093 Téléphone: 04 67 54 87 01 CV: En savoir pplus
Photo of Laurent DEMAGISTRI

Biographical Info

Research and Development in processing remote sensing images and data streams :

– objects and processes detection out of images from various spatial resolutions (boats, palm trees, gradients, etc),
– images calibration and registration,
– bio-geophysical parameters and indices calculation (Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll concentration maps, Vegetation Indices, Texture indices, etc.).

Experience in C/C++/Java development, scripting languages and standard satellite images processing softwares
(ENVI, ERDAS, OTB/Monteverdi, etc.).

Responsible for several years of the “Space Imaging and Management of Renewable Resources” teaching unit at the University of Montpellier (MASTER in Geomatics) and of some lectures and training sessions in the SILAT Specialized MASTER (AgroParisTech).


Categories: Conseil d'unité, Ingénieur et Technicien
Updated 3 weeks ago.