Chargé de recherche Géographe de la santé – CambodgeGroupe de recherche 1 : ESOR – Groupe de recherche 2 : PICBiographical Info
Vincent Herbreteau is a Health Geographer (CR1 IRD) at the French National Research institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) in the UMR 228 ESPACE-DEV Research Unit.
His research focuses on the spatial analysis of diseases, from the ecological study of the hosts and vectors of pathogens, the investigation of the exposure of human populations to these vectors and pathogens (social patterns, access to health services, etc.), to an approach of the risk of disease transmission. He is currently responsible of the development of research activities in the field of “health and environment” at SEAS-OI Station in the Indian Ocean.
Categories: Chargé de recherche
Updated 3 weeks ago.