Socio-ecological and energy transitions
Energy Transition (TRANS-NRJ)
This group studies the challenges of territorial energy self-sufficiency, with respect to energy transition in connection with climate change, and CO2 emissions. We develop multi-disciplinary approaches combining Earth observation and modeling towards decision support.
Water-Earth-Resources-Ecosystems-Society (ETRES)
The ETRES group gathers the UMR’s activities in the field of sustainable management of natural resources (Water-Earth) and viability of eco-socio-systems (biodiversity and ecosystem services, including socio-cultural services) in the context of climate change.
Coviability of socio-ecological systems
This research group aims to integrate the contributions of the different groups who deal with different facets of this paradigm towards a formalisation and societal impact of this science. This theme is central to the unit and is therefore declined in the different thematic and methodological issues.
Health, well-being of societies and preservation of the resources and ecosystems
Water-Earth-Resources-Ecosystems-societies (ETRES)
The Water-Earth-Resources-Ecosystems-Societies research group aims to federate the unit’s activities in the field of sustainable management of renewable natural resources (Water-Earth) and ecosystems in preparation for socio-ecological transitions.
Environment, Society and Health Risks (ESOR)
The goals are sharing and mutualising knowledge (tools, methods, databases, surveys, interviews…) and disciplines (climate, hydrology, oceanography, sociology, geography…) around the relationships development and climate with a strong territorial anchoring and the implementation of pilot sites.
Vulnerability, adaptation and sustainability of territories including island and coastal systems
Littoral, Islands and Archipelagos - Diversity, Vulnerability / Viability, Adaptability (LADIVA)
The research group aims to integrate and share the research that is pursued in relation to terrestrial, island and coastal systems of the Pacific and Indian Ocean, in a research action approach, and to develop inclusive and cross-projects/research manner.
Modalities of Territorial Systems and Tourist Systems (M2ST)
The research group brings the vision of a territorial system that postulates the existence, at relatively local scales, of coherent organised complexes, partially autonomous, based on the interactions between elements of different nature, that in turn qualify the spaces concerned as territories.